80+ Important Questions You Should Ask PNMS During Sorority Recruitment

Are you looking for Questions to Ask a PNMS? Here we have put together more than 80+ unique questions to ask during the recruitment of a PNMS.

Recruiting new members to a sorority is quite an important and exciting process. It’s very important to ask the right questions to know the potential of new PNMs. These questions go way beyond the typical Questions “Where are you from?” and “What is your major?” Instead, you should delve more into the PNM’s interests, passions, and values which can be very beneficial for your organization.

As someone who has been both a PNM and a sorority member, I understand the true importance of these questions. They help you make a better connection with the candidate and foster genuine conversations which further allow you to know more about the Candidate.

Asking about their goals, aspirations, and what they love to do in their free time allows them to open up so that you can understand their personalities. Knowing their reasons about why they want to join a sorority and what they want to contribute can provide valuable insights into their motivations and dedication.

Don’t forget to ask questions about their experiences, challenges they’ve overcome, and how they handle teamwork as this will help you to know more about their character and resilience. If this is the first time you are ever doing it, then ask questions in a friendly manner (with a touch being Professional) and allow to candidate to be comfortable.

These are some basic questions that you should consider asking to know more about the thinking, personality, and what they think about this job.

  • What is the sorority’s mission and values?
  • How does the sorority support academic achievement and success?
  • What are the community service opportunities the sorority is involved in?
  • Why did you choose to go to *their college name*
  • What social activities does the sorority engage in?
  • How does the sorority promote leadership development and involvement on campus?
  • What is the financial commitment associated with being a member of the sorority?
  • What is the sorority’s stance on diversity, equity, and inclusion?
  • How does the sorority foster sisterhood and a sense of belonging among members?
  • Can you share some personal experiences or stories about your time in the sorority that had a meaningful impact on you? (If you have ever been one)
  • How does the sorority handle conflicts or challenges within the organization?
  • Who do you consider as your role model? Why?
  • Are there leadership or development opportunities specific to your academic or career interests?
  • What sets this sorority apart from others on campus?

Questions To Ask Your PNM During “Philanthropy Round”

During the philanthropy round of sorority recruitment, you should consider asking questions that will help you understand their interests, values, and commitment to this job. Here we have put together more than 25+ questions that you try out. Some of these questions are a bit professional while some are easy lame.

  • What are the values you look in a person to be your friend?
  • Is there anything you would like to tell us about you?
  • What philanthropic causes or organizations are you passionate about?
  • Have you been involved in any community service or philanthropic activities in the past?
  • How do you believe philanthropy contributes to a sense of community and unity?
  • Are you enjoying your college?
  • Are there specific types of philanthropic activities you’d like to be part of within a sorority?
  • Why is it important for you to engage in philanthropy and community service as part of a sorority?
  • How do you use your strengths and skills to make a positive impact through philanthropy?
  • Have you volunteered for any charitable events or organizations? If Yes, could you share a memorable experience?
  • Do you have any ideas for creative fundraising events or activities that could benefit our philanthropic efforts?
  • What values or principles are most important to you when selecting a philanthropic cause to support?
  • Can you describe a philanthropic event that has inspired you in the past and why?
  • Are you interested in local philanthropic initiatives, and why?
  • What do you like to do in your free time? (easy question)
  • How would you encourage (influence) others to participate in philanthropy and community service?
  • How do you see yourself contributing to the success of our sorority’s philanthropic endeavors?
  • Are there specific skills you possess that you believe could benefit our philanthropy efforts?
  • Have you ever organized or been part of a philanthropic event? If yes, what was your role, and what did you learn from the experience?
  • In what ways do you believe a sorority can amplify the impact of philanthropy compared to individual efforts?
  • How do you balance your academics with your desire to engage in philanthropic activities?
  • Are there any social issues you are particularly passionate about addressing through philanthropy?
  • How do you handle challenges or setbacks when organizing or participating in philanthropic events?
  • How would you encourage fellow members to actively participate in our philanthropic initiatives?
  • What are your thoughts on sustainable and long-term philanthropic projects versus one-time events?
  • How do you think our philanthropic efforts can positively impact the local community?
  • Are there any skills or knowledge you hope to gain through engaging in philanthropic activities with the sorority?
  • Do you have any other ideas or suggestions to enhance our sorority’s philanthropic impact and involvement?

Questions To Ask Your PNM During “Values Round”

During the “Values Round” of sorority recruitment, it’s important to ask questions that give you more insight about their personal values, beliefs, and alignment with the values of the sorority. Here we have put together more than 20+ questions that you can consider asking:

  • Are you looking for something specific in a sorority?
  • Name one thing that a lot of people misunderstand about you?
  • What values are most important to you in your personal and academic life?
  • Can you share a specific experience that reflects one of your core values and how it guided your actions?
  • What does sisterhood mean to you, and how does it fit into your overall set of values?
  • How do you show respect and inclusivity in your interactions with others?
  • How do you handle situations where your values may conflict with those of a group or organization?
  • Can you describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision based on your values, and what did you learn from that experience?
  • How do you prioritize your values while balancing academic, personal, and social commitments?
  • How do you handle challenges that test your values?
  • Can you share a story about a time when you worked collaboratively with others to uphold a shared value?
  • How do you contribute to creating a positive and supportive environment for those around you, aligning with our sorority’s values?
  • Can you describe a situation where you had to stand up for what you believe in, even if it was challenging to do so?
  • How do you handle situations where you witness others acting against your values?
  • How do you stay true to yourself while adapting to a group’s values and expectations?
  • Can you share a role model whose values you admire and why?
  • How do you define empowerment, and how does it fit into your set of values?
  • How would you contribute to a culture of kindness, trust, and authenticity within our sorority, reflecting its core values?

Questions To Ask Your PNM During “Pref Round”

During this “Pref Round” of recruitment, you should consider asking new members (PNMs) thoughtful questions that help you understand their genuine interest in the sorority and also how well they align with its values and mission. Here we have more than 18+ questions that you can consider asking:

  • What attracted you to our sorority and made you choose to attend this event?
  • How do you see yourself contributing to our sorority and leaving a positive impact?
  • In what ways do you believe our sorority can support your personal and academic growth during your college experience?
  • Are there specific aspects of our philanthropic efforts or community service initiatives that resonate with you and your personal values?
  • How would you contribute to promoting a sense of inclusivity and unity within our sorority?
  • Can you describe a time when you showcased resilience and determination, traits we value within our sisterhood?
  • What do you hope to gain from being a part of our sorority, and how do you plan to give back in return?
  • How do you feel about the mentorship opportunities within our sorority?
  • What is your perspective on personal growth and the role a sorority can play in that journey?
  • Can you share a story that illustrates your dedication to uplifting and empowering others, in alignment with our sorority’s values?
  • How do you see yourself upholding our sorority’s traditions and upholding the legacy of our sisterhood?
  • How do you plan to maintain a healthy work-life balance while being an active member of our sorority?
  • Are there specific events hosted by our sorority that you’re particularly excited about, and why?
  • How do you feel about the level of commitment expected from members, and how do you plan to manage that within your schedule and responsibilities?
  • What are your hopes and expectations that you plan to achieve through our sorority?

I hope all these questions will help you. Feel free to come back when ever you need but most importantly “Believe in yourself and this will be a piece of cake for you”.

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